Sunday, August 03, 2008

"Golden Green", 12"x12", Acrylic on Canvas

This little painting is for the "Square Foot" show at the AWOL GALLERY in Toronto. The opening is August 16th.

Monday, June 02, 2008

"A Sunny Spot", 20X24", Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

I'm finally finished all of my paintings and will be taking them to Gallery888 tomorrow. I will then be taking a break for a few weeks.

"All Dressed Up", 16X16", Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Frenzy", "20X20", Acrylic on Canvas

Like I mentioned a couple of posts ago, the Delphinium is my new favourite flower to paint.

Friday, May 30, 2008

"Top Heavy", "12X24", Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

What a majestic flower the Sunflower is. It's the first time I've painted one and it was a lot of fun! I wanted to keep the background very simple and light and I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Caught in the Middle", 11"x14", Acrylic on canvas

This will be the smallest in my show, I usually work bigger but actually enjoyed painting this. I also discovered that the Delphinium is my new favourite flower to paint!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

"REDLIGHT", 16"X20", Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

I'm almost finished my paintings for the group show I'm in this June. I loved this piece of fabric I found at a discount textile outlet here in Toronto. I have since used it in another painting and will post that soon along with some others that I will be signing and varnishing this week.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Behind the Scene", 16"X16", Acrylic on Canvas

I love pattern and beautiful textiles! and I've been having a lot of fun introducing them into my paintings. It's brought back alot of memories of when I temporarily worked at a textile design house here in Toronto back in the late 80's. A ton of work went into designing and painting several colour ways for each design sample, all done by hand by the way.

Friday, April 04, 2008

"Narcissus", 16 x 16", Acrylic on Canvas (SOLD)

Another one for my show coming up in June! For some reason I really enjoy painting in a square format, the compositions are more interesting to me. My next two are also square but then I'm back to working large and rectangular.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

"Stole The Show", "16 x 16", Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

This is another for the group show in June. I've been experimenting with single blooms and textiles and also working a bit smaller than usual.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

"ENTANGLED", 20X20", Acrylic on Canvas (SOLD)

This is one of about ten new paintings I'm doing for a spring group show. It's an exciting time of year to be painting florals, all the flower shops are starting to get the first signs of spring in and that makes me VERY HAPPY!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Hallo Dahlia" 8"x10", Acrylic on canvas SOLD

I don't usually paint this small, but I thought it would be a good warm up for some larger paintings I'm doing for a show in June.